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The Modern Age is a Crazy Thing

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When I first started making comics you weren’t considered anything if you didn’t have something published on paper… So I got a few things published on paper. I stopped putting things online. Now I found myself in the position of posting a lot of the old stuff I was doing when I wasn’t active online like this weird TV show called PhiloThis was a good period in my life when I was producing a lot of consistent art every week very quickly because of this show. Sometimes the figures weren’t the best or there wasn’t enough time to really work on the frames, but we finished a story Minneapolis wrote every week with their live calls and I’m proud of my work there. I’ve also posted a lot of new comics coming to the archive section here.

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New life!

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I’m moving all of the illustration and painting work that used to be on the main site over to here. This might take some time, so stay tuned for the latest update.

Closing down…

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This part of the site is closing down. Links won’t work for much longer.


Weird Archive Glitch…

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Right now the featured image doesn’t seem to be showing up on the production blog. I’ll get this repaired over the next few days as I track down the problem. The rest of the site is working fine, though.

Repaired Archives

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The archives were recently broken due to a perfect storm of WordPress plugins and the framework itself. After a lot of months scratching my head and asking for help, Frumph saved the day. Thanks, Philip!

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On the soundtrack front…

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Hi team,


Just a boring stock photo of music...

Just a boring stock photo of music…

Apologies for the not posting last week, I had some trouble with accessing WordPress by myself the first time and got sidetracked.


SO: My band (2 of us) had been recording using quite archaic technology, which worked but took an age to do and required at times lots of processing power and time.

I am pleased to say that we recently updated the studio to iMac and are using a later version of Logic Pro, which is proving to be a powerful, fast and very user-friendly tool. There are several advantages to this tool but one of the most exciting is the ability to view video alongside the audio so that if cue points aren’t in sync we can mark them for adjustment – either by suggesting added frames to the animator or alternately trimming/tempo adjusting the music.

I am also finding that it can clean up a multitude of sins in the recording department so that if there is a timing issue with some words I can ‘flex’ the wave file to fall into rhythm without sacrificing the quality. (there is also a pitch-correction tool – but I despise PC with every fibre of my being)

My next personal project will be to get a workable story/song timeline so I can get a serious idea of the thematic flow of the project. I have some samples of lyric/melody/chord/feel from Glych, but any contribution for new or existing pieces is welcome.


Stay tuned for more on the above in the months ahead.




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Inspiring Writing Aspirations…

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Amber in the act of writing.

Amber in the act of writing.

There’s a few “rules of engagement,” I’ve adopted in my pursuit of creative enterprise when it comes to my writing. Throughout a creative person’s upbringing, they’re constantly inspired by things. They want to emulate them. They draw copies of it. Children often repeat what they have seen because of that early inspiration. it is only later when you begin to recognize the patterns of stories or character arcs that you become jaded by what’s new versus what inspired you. “well, they are borrowing from this!” Well, so what? Borrowing and stealing are two different things. Borrowing is taking inspiration from, emulating, studying and copying (to a point) to figure out why you like it and why it inspired you to begin with.

A lot of these early posts in the Production Diary might seem boring, but I’m just getting revved up. I have a LOT to scan in that is already done this month, but I want to share with you the process of how I got there while I’m working out the bugs on other parts of the website. So thanks for your patience. There will still be updates every day but they won’t be as involved as the ones coming in March.

With that in mind, I’m going to present a series on writing styles, methods, and techniques throughout the month of February to outline where I’m coming from as a storyteller. I think there’s a disappointingly few amount of  “real-world,” examples of creative activity out there. There are lot of blogs and workshops, but I want to be naked in my process. If that means I throw something out, well, enjoy the out-takes as they happen folks! Until then, here is our first entry.

The Story Department

story_departThe Story Department website is a great one for writing screenplays and flies in out of Australia. I like their blog the most because of it’s good resources, articles, techniques, and challenges. They’re often cited in the /r/screenwriting subreddits  and I’ve found their point of view to be informative and positive. While much of their advice is aimed at screenwriting, I apply it to all my writing and character development.


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Production Diary

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An early thumbnail storyboard test for Princess Naughtypants

An early thumbnail storyboard test for Princess Naughtypants

This website is dedicated to a production diary for an animated project I’m working on. This project has no budget and a skeleton crew. It’s created solely out of the passion to want to tell a story. We invite you on our journey towards a completed story we can share with the world.

Princess Naughtypants was born in a college class in 2009 after being prompted by an odd phrasing involving a Hollywood starlet. I made a short and poorly animated test for an assignment in another class, but always kept writing. I never stopped writing this character since her inception. While I have a smattering of scripts, an idea, and a dream, this isn’t enough to show anyone and have them be impressed.

So to prove it to the world and myself that I can do this, I’m tracking my progress as I do. I’m probably insane for doing so. My plan is to have three complete seasons of 10-12 minute episodes. I want this story to work well in the broken up format or as a movie played straight through. I am taking inspiration for format from The Guild and Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog but trying to stay away from their writing styles. Instead, I’m trying for more of a quirky Animaniacs or Clerks: The Animated Series style wackiness.

The writing crew right now consists of me, Gary Green, and Greg Douglas bringing help where it’s needed with the music. There’s a few more who have shown interest, but I’ve seen great commitment from these folks towards the task. Updates to come.


This is a test post…

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If you can see this post, then great things are to come… Stay tuned…