The end!
Philo- Page 22
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We have the end of guest artist Chuck Whelon’s run with Casey Craddock’s run for Philo. Meow reveals his plan and is rejected for Phila.
Philo- Page 21
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On this page our group tries to make off with the loot but Philo trips over his dropped pants. We cut to a commercial for the suspender and kilt emporium. The bees return, demanding money.
Philo- Episode 29
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In this episode, we break for a commercial for a suspender and kilt emporium. Armond the bartender and Santa Claus are shilling for the store.
Philo- Episode 28
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In this episode, The Wu Tang Clan album is destroyed, releasing killer bees that steal Armond’s music AND FLEE. All while our group loots the money bin.
Philo- Page 20
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In this page Meow is angry at what’s going on, and demands Armond (now a DJ) stop scratching his vinyl. They get into a fight and break The Wu Tang album, which releases The Killer Bees that steal Armond’s music and leave. All while our group is looting treasure.
Philo- Page 19
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On this page we see the end of the flashback with two Rodans putting Philo into a rocket to blast away from the Kaiju planet blowing up before landing on Earth (?), where Rodans are fishing in Wisconsin. Back to the dance-off which becomes a pants-off dance-off so the Dalek shares his booty. Meow walks in at the wrong time.