I tried to make the musical notes look like an afro, but I don’t think I did a very good job.
On the soundtrack front…
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Hi team,

Just a boring stock photo of music…
Apologies for the not posting last week, I had some trouble with accessing WordPress by myself the first time and got sidetracked.
SO: My band (2 of us) had been recording using quite archaic technology, which worked but took an age to do and required at times lots of processing power and time.
I am pleased to say that we recently updated the studio to iMac and are using a later version of Logic Pro, which is proving to be a powerful, fast and very user-friendly tool. There are several advantages to this tool but one of the most exciting is the ability to view video alongside the audio so that if cue points aren’t in sync we can mark them for adjustment – either by suggesting added frames to the animator or alternately trimming/tempo adjusting the music.
I am also finding that it can clean up a multitude of sins in the recording department so that if there is a timing issue with some words I can ‘flex’ the wave file to fall into rhythm without sacrificing the quality. (there is also a pitch-correction tool – but I despise PC with every fibre of my being)
My next personal project will be to get a workable story/song timeline so I can get a serious idea of the thematic flow of the project. I have some samples of lyric/melody/chord/feel from Glych, but any contribution for new or existing pieces is welcome.
Stay tuned for more on the above in the months ahead.