The Friend Zone (2017)

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This was a film directed by a friend of mine who asked for some set pieces for the artist to have drawn. I did a series of sketches and drawings for the film as well as planned the artists desk for the director.

IMDB Page for The Friend Zone

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The Box (2011)

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This was made for the 2011 San Diego 48-Hour Film Festival. I have a writing, propmaker, and producer credit on this one. I couldn’t find a video of it online, but here’s the original poster.

The Box IMDB Page

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Transylvania TVTV Real Meanin’ of Halloween (2007-2010)

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TVTV was a big part of my life between 2006 and 2010. It consisted of puppeteering and voice acting in hot, sweaty rooms with no AC, no pay, and a lot of good memories and lifetime friends. This was the last thing I did with the group before I left MN for CA.


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Godthumb (2002)

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I was an intern at O Entertainment when I worked on this movie. I did storyboards, puppeteering, voice acting, and color comp work for this film. Some of my storyboards even made it to the DVD.

The Godthumb IMDB Page

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