This is an itty bitty painting I sold in 2014. 6.5″ X 8″. Acrylic on Canvas.
Slave Leia
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I did this painting before Carrie Fischer passed away and sold it back in 2016 just before her death. Acrylic on Canvas. 8.5″ X 11″.
Dapper Cat
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This was a fun experiment with a template I made, though I have not made any other dapper cat paintings (yet). Sold 2017. Acrylic on canvas, 8.5″ X 11″.
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I always liked the opening credits of Terminator 2 so made this pop portrait of the firey skeleton. Acrylic on canvas 8.5″ X 11″. This painting was sold in 2015.
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This painting was actually sold at the 2015 Star Trek charity auction at San Diego Comic Con after being donated to the permanent collection in 2014.
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I always liked the Michelle Pfifer Catwoman. I thought she was especially sexy. Acrylic on Canvas. 8.5″ X 11″. Sold in 2016