Egyptian lore has always fascinated me and I love the story of Horus.
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This was a fun experiment of making textures in Clip Studio Paint. I tried to make it look like wood, leaves, and tree bark.
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I feel like the little version of her doesn’t look like the big version of her. But it’s just a sketch, so it’s not life or death if the likeness is off.
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I always thought Brent Spiner had interesting facial features. He had an angular nose and chin with a kabuki-like performance.
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Depth is a hard thing to convey on a flat surface. I did use photo reference for this pic which had an accurate field of depth because it was a photo of a real thing in real space. I’m not sure they look like toilet paper rolls here like in the original photo.
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The capybara is a huge rodent that’s from South America. It’s super chill with everything it encounters and loves to swim. I’m sure to people living in South America, they are not considered exotic creatures, but to me- it’s wild to think I share a planet with this thing.
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This one I felt like I had rushed a bit, but a lot of people said they wanted to know what her story was or to get to know the character in this picture.
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This one was fun to draw. I had references from sheep to hand-built jungle bridges to snow capped mountains.
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Here is the original version of the first prompt for Inktober 2024, but after doing several others with grey shading, I decided to go back and add at least one layer so it matched the others in the series.