My guest was unable to make the show this evening due to illness but we moved forward anyway. Philo decompresses. Cthulushroom watches. Join us and catch up!
Philo- Page 36
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On this page, Philo goes to get some space and decompresses. Cthulushroom is watching all from his television set. he and Philo eat ice cream, Rod Serling shows up, Philo wakes up and Cthulushroom comforts him, and the dog leads a revolution to prevent Shroomlet Green from being made from mushroom people.
Philo- Episode 48
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In this episode we have guest artist Jeremy Fuscaldo joining us as we are still on the Sally Turtle Raphael show. This time Nurse Ratchet Oil pours out her feelings of how she is everyone’s ex and how she got her ik powers. Can Philo take it? Join us next time on Philo!
Philo- Page 35
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On this page, we’re still on Sally Turtle Raphael. Nurse Ratchet Oil tells her story and the dog is taken away to be the leader of the mushroom rebellion. Can Philo take it? Stay tuned!
Philo- Episode 47
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In this episode we go on the Sally Turtle Raphael show to have our players discuss their feelings and remember the good times.
Philo- Page 32
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Nurse Ratchet Oil discovers the Blutos’ plan to escape so they kidnap her. She slips into an oily street puddle, gaining oil-slick inky powers. Meanwhile, Philo’s rocket ship transforms into a Mech and takes off the roof of the Blutorium to destroy many of the Blutos. Ratchet Oil melds with her glooping powers to the dog mech suit, making it stronger, and Armond and the other Philos make contact with our Philo and the dog inside.
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Meow makes a brief cameo here before the dog leads a mushroom revolution. Philo’s had enough though, and leaves with his dog. We cut to Armond and the other Philos in a control center with Bluto locked up in the Blutorium.
Philo- Episode 43
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In this episode, Philo has had enough and leaves, taking his dog with him. Meanwhile, Armond is with the Philo resistance with Bluto in the Blutorium.
Philo- Episode 41
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Philo is leaving Bluto for good this time! The Secret water slide leads to Secret Lair Falls, but wait! The Dog is there too performing a tea ceremony.