The end!
Philo- Episode 32
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In this episode we learn that Phila was rejected by the Kaiju back in High School, when her diary was found revealing her crush on Godzilla. He feels bad now so they end up together.
Philo- Episode 31
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In this episode we’re in the land of Phila where Meow reveals his big plan to the Kaiju counsel who are uninterested. They’re here for Phila. We start her flashback.
Philo- Page 13
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There’s a two drink minimum in the stomach realm. Armond the bartender makes their drinks and then is visited by Meow’s spies who send a message to “save them.” He tracked them with a spider tracker.
Philo- Episode 17
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The sky poop enlarges the Wilendorfs who take on the beavers as the kaiju councle meets to decide if they qualify as kaiju. Our heroes escape, rescue Dhat Badan/Otis, and jump through the stomach realm into who knows where.
Philo- Page 11
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The wilendorfs are empowered by the manure where they grow large to take on the beavers. This gets the kaiju councle arguing if THEY are kaiju long enough for our heroes to escape to the O castle and retrieve Dhat Bada/Otis from the lower dungeon. They jump through him into the stomach realm.
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Meow prepares his Qi for battle as the kaiju counsel returns to determine if the giant beavers are kaiju themselves. The team run across flying pigs and fly them back to the chaos around the O castle.