The end!
Philo- Episode 32
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In this episode we learn that Phila was rejected by the Kaiju back in High School, when her diary was found revealing her crush on Godzilla. He feels bad now so they end up together.
Philo- Episode 31
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In this episode we’re in the land of Phila where Meow reveals his big plan to the Kaiju counsel who are uninterested. They’re here for Phila. We start her flashback.
Philo- Episode 26
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In this episode we begin to learn the origins of Philo and his link to the Kaiju council. Their planet dried up, becoming Earth, and then blew up, where Philo was sent to Wisconsin by Rodans.
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Phila uses the power of the eclipse to make giant beavers that quell the coup. Meow gets away and comes to a treeline where the beavers are building a dam to trap him. He is spotted.
Philo- Episode 12
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They tour the Palace of O, finding a hall of doors that alters them, getting them ready for The Ball. There, they are drugged and Otis is stolen to stage a coup.
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The group goes to the land of Phila and visits their O-shaped palace. There, Otis turns into Dhat Badan and they have a ball.