When the site shut down, I had the script for another issue written out besides this one and another 3 beyond that blocked out. I lost my NonPersons hard paper notes to a flood a few years ago and the digital files weren’t as complete as the paper file. If I ever pick this project back up again, I think the ending will be completely different from what I planned originally.
NonPersons- Page 23
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This is the first break we’ve had from the 9-panel-grid the entire story so far. I wanted people to “feel” the impact of the fire, even if the art was so quickly drawn.
NonPersons- Page 22
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I didn’t get very far into chapter 2 before Joey closed down GraphicSmash.com and we all had to leave.
So you want to draw comics- Page 4
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This was the last page of me pretending to know about comics and the process of making them than I ever really did.
So you want to draw comics- Page 3
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So you want to draw comics- Page 2
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