In this episode we have guest artist Jeremy Fuscaldo joining us as we are still on the Sally Turtle Raphael show. This time Nurse Ratchet Oil pours out her feelings of how she is everyone’s ex and how she got her ik powers. Can Philo take it? Join us next time on Philo!
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On this page, we’re still on Sally Turtle Raphael. Nurse Ratchet Oil tells her story and the dog is taken away to be the leader of the mushroom rebellion. Can Philo take it? Stay tuned!
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In this episode we go on the Sally Turtle Raphael show to have our players discuss their feelings and remember the good times.
Philo- Episode 46
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In this episode the Skeleblutos attack the dog mech, but all the dog sees is bones. So Philo and Nurse Ratchet Oil defend themselves until they realize that Philo’s Bluto is the Boss Battle.
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Here, our group goes on Sally Turtle Raphael where they each look back at the good times before a surprise guest is brought out.
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On this page Philo and Armond have a moment before Nurse Ratchet Oil joins the crew. The dog mech only skeletized the Blutos, not kill them, so they vow revenge, but all the dog sees are bones to eat. Philo and Burse Ratchet Oil defend themselves revealing, Philo’s Bluto as the final Boss Battle.
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Nurse Ratchet Oil discovers the Blutos’ plan to escape so they kidnap her. She slips into an oily street puddle, gaining oil-slick inky powers. Meanwhile, Philo’s rocket ship transforms into a Mech and takes off the roof of the Blutorium to destroy many of the Blutos. Ratchet Oil melds with her glooping powers to the dog mech suit, making it stronger, and Armond and the other Philos make contact with our Philo and the dog inside.
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Philo tells Bluto he’s leaving and heads to a battered Philo shelter where he gets therapy to rip out his pain. Meanwhile we cut back and forth between the dog’s adventures and Bluto’s hate-fucking.